And the Lord said to him: Make a brazen serpent, and set it up for a sign: whosoever being struck shall look on it, shall live.
~ The LORD [Numbers 21:8]
Our final task will be to evaluate the Super-maximalist, Continuitist, Recognize & Resist, and Sedevacantist positions in order to determine whether any of them are faithful to the perennial doctrine of the Holy Roman Church. Having set forth the necessary principles previously, we will now apply them to each of these proposals. In the course of our analyses, we will identify the assumptions and propositions operative within each of the proposals which cohere with, conflict with or stand in contradiction to the perennial teaching of the Holy Catholic Church.
Since to embrace a principle that is contrary to our Holy Catholic Religion — even for the noble purpose of understanding the current storm that surrounds the Catholic Church — is to deny the Catholic Religion, any proposal that assumes or asserts a contrary principle will need to be denounced as non-Catholic, and no further consideration of its apparent virtues will be entertained.
This assessment begins with a serene confidence in Divine Providence, and from the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity each of which retain the Most Holy Trinity as its proper object. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has not abandoned us, neither has He left us orphans.
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This "A Safe Way Forward" project is not intended to directly support public discussion of the data presented on this website. However, we are open to receiving input, additional data and other information relevant to the project's mission. If you would like to submit items that you think should be included, please send your submissions to ObscureMyEmail.