O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding the profane novelties of words, and oppositions of knowledge falsely so called.
~ Saint Paul [1 Timothy 6:20]
The purpose of the documents page of IntheSameSense.org is to aggregate those texts sufficient to the task of an accurate and proper understanding of the current situation in which the Catholic world finds itself. This section will include links to complete documents only.
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Inthesamesense.org was made possible by the generous donations of our friends. If you have benefited from this effort, please consider making a donation through our support page.
This "A Safe Way Forward" project is not intended to directly support public discussion of the data presented on this website. However, we are open to receiving input, additional data and other information relevant to the project's mission. If you would like to submit items that you think should be included, please send your submissions to ObscureMyEmail.